Category Archives: Fur babies

Fur babies

@Lunatick_Cosmetic_Labs Collaboration with @VeganMakeUpShare

Helping Animals

OMFG!!!!!! @lunatick_cosmetic_labs has been kind enough to collaborate with @veganmakeupshare 💖😍 I’m crying 😭 from happiness!!!💕💞

@lunatick_cosmetic_labs will be donating 100% Of Proceedings  from NOW- July1st!!! Which I will be donating to @animalhopeandwellness ✊

With➡Code: Veganmakeupshare

As a Thank you @lunatick_cosmetic_labs

Is offering 10% OFF your purchase!!! So please go Purchase from ➡@lunatick_cosmetic_labs

 that way we can all together Unite against Animal Cruelty. 

@animalhopeandwellness “Are fighting to end the brutal practice in Asia of torturing dogs before slaughtering them for meat, out of the misguided belief that tortured dog meat tastes better or can provide health benefits.

Due to a widely held belief that high adrenaline levels will produce tender meat and increase the supposed health benefits.Dogs are sadistically made to experience extreme fear and suffering prior to death.

They are tortured, dismembered, burned alive, electrocuted, crucified and nail gunned into walls, where they are tortured and kept alive to endure intolerable pain for sometimes up to 40 hours.

Many of the toy breeds are boiled alive and then made into herbal supplements. Marc Ching has seen and video taped all of this first hand and even witnessed a dog strung up and burned alive with a blow torch right out in public at a local market where passersby were completely unfazed.

Our foundation’s mission is to shine a light on this very dark and barbaric practice. To expose the torture to the world in order to enact change and force the government to create laws to protect these precious animals from unfounded and cruel tradition”#lunatickcosmeticlabsXVeganmakeupshare

Please Share if you cannot purchase 💖

Original Post on @Veganmakeupshare Instagram account💖

Purchase: ⬇

Lunatick Cosmetic Labs
Code: Veganmakeupshare for 10% off& 100% of proceedings will be donated!

As always I will be transparent with everyone and as soon as July1st ends LCL will be sending me the reports and money and I will be donating it immediately to Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness foundation.

Thank you Soooooooo much!!! Love you lots💕       ♦️Update: Fundraiser has ended  Thank you everyone who participated in this collaboration!!! I sincerely greatly appreciate it!!! Together we were able to raise the total amount of➡️ $2,419.60!!!!! The donation has taken place this Sunday!!!

The Tree Kisser

The Tree Kisser
About The Tree Kisser
The Tree kisser is Created by Jessica!!!
She’s a big Animal Advocate✊
She’s Vegan🌱 and is one of the most compassionate earthlings that I know!!!
She donates 15% of her sales from The Tree Kisser to different Animal Rescues every month! She also donates Food, Supplies to different organizations and to people who’s pets are in need. How do I know this? Because she has personally gone out of her way to help me in my time of need with the 6 fur babies 🐶I’m a guardian too!!!.She is currently volunteering at a shelter hands on to Save lives!!! She’s a guardian and a fur baby mother too many little Fur babies she has adopted🐶. She’s an inspiration!!!
Are you making the world better today?


I looove this shirt because its Soooooooo flowy!! So comfy too!! I wear The tree kisser shirts to make statements! So Are you making the world better today?
It always makes people think and question if They are making the world better.
Are You Making The world better today?


Animals are not fabric


Animals are not Ours! With that said They aren’t!!!!
for us to wear their skins and fur simple as that!
🚫No to the Leather industry🐮🐶🐱
🚫 No to the Fur Industry🐯🐶🐱🐰🐹🐀
🚫No to the wool industry🐏🐑🐐
🚫No to the Feather industry🐓🐔🐦🐤🐥
The fur industry is very very horrific.
👉 Animal are not fabric


My Anaconda don’t want none if you wear bunnies hun


This shirt had me laughing so hard when Jessica created it!!! And I definitely needed it!!! Originally inspired by what I used to call “the butt song” bahaha but foreals don’t🚫 wear Bunnies Hun🐰🐇!!!!
👉My Anaconda Dont


👉Eco Friendly packaging
👉15%donated Monthly
👉Aligns with my lifestyle
👉 Spreads awareness
👉 Founder is Vegan that’s a +
👉 Hand cut
👉 Locally made
👉 individually steamed
👉Good quality fabric
👉 Legible
👉 Wish they had more colors!
Check out 👉: The Tree Kissser


Instagram: @TheTreeKisser
Snapchat: TheTreekisser

Healthy Apple & PB Dog Snack

Healthy Fur Baby Snack

Vegan dog snack!
My fur babies are the most important part of my life! Keeping them healthy is my goal.
I recently introduced them to lots more veggies & fruit (note not all veggies of fruit are safe!).
Every other day I give them Apples with peanut butter and let me tell you! They freaking love it!!!.
All dogs are different but my 6 fur babies all love Apples in PB!—
Mis cachoroz son los mas importantes in my vida! Tengo 6 cachorritos! Ya tengo meses poquo a poquita introduciendo los vegetales y la fruita en sus comidas! Porfavor sepan que todas las fruitas y vegetales no son para los cachorritos!
Ingredients: ingredientes:
* Penut butter!
Crema de penut butter
* Apple/s


How to:Como:
Peel off skin & cut into tiny squares good enough so they dont choke! Make sure to take out seeds! Seeds are highly poisonous! —- Quiten la cáscara de la manzana, corten en cubitos! Asegúrese que no esten tan grandes para los cachorritos! Importante! Quiten las semillas! Pueden matar a sus cachorritos con las semillas!


Put the penut butter! And see your fur baby/babies enjoy some bomb protein vegan snacks!

Ponganle la crema de Penut butter! Y vean como sus cachorritos les encanta comerce estos saludables veganos treats!

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